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What We Do

At the end of each day our hands are dirty, because we have pulled the parts off the cars ourselves in our dedicated vehicle breaking premises. We don't take in broken units, link them to a computer and spend the day on the keyboard.


Before we remove them we test them to make sure they are working 100%, then when this is confirmed they are carefully removed.


The parts already work, so you might be asking why we're 'fixing' them at all - the answer is microfractures. The constant movement the boards are subjected to (cars don't stay still for long) causes bend and flex of the solder.  Couple this with degradation of the materials used to make the boards and over time small breaks in the solder eventually occur, often invisible to the naked eye.  It only takes one break to render the unit inoperable, and that's enough to bring your vehicle to a standstill.


Watch the video below to see how we fix this issue and restore these boards to 'as new' condition, giving them a whole new lease of life for a fraction of the cost of a new board.




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